Our mission is to preserve the cultural legacy of nineteenth-century Irish immigrants in Southern Indiana.
Concerts Gallery
2018 Patchwork
We had a rousing time with Patchwork!
2018 Na Skylark Trio
The Na Skylark Trio performance was amazing!
2017 Danielle Everett James concert
Danielle Everett James, an opera singer, sang many popular songs and was joined by Ben Markley during the performanceDanielle Everett James with Ben MarkleyThere was quite a crowd for this amazing singer!
2017 Eunan McIntyre concert
We had quite a crowd to listen to Eunan McIntyre perform!We're glad that Eunan likes his new hat!
2016 Guilderoy & Byrne Band with Louisville Irish Dancers
Guilderoy & Byrne concert in Celtic HallTraditional Irish dancingThe dancers getting ready to perform
2016 Emily Ann & Kelly Thompson
Enjoying the concert in Celtic HallThe Thompsons performing
2016 Major & O'Bryan
Major & O'Bryan performing in Celtic HallEnjoying the concert