Our mission is to preserve the cultural legacy of nineteenth-century Irish immigrants in Southern Indiana.
Curran House Gallery
Curran HouseCurran HouseCurran HouseCurran HouseCurran HouseCurran HouseCurran HouseCurran HouseCurran HouseThe Hughes-Delaney room at ChristmasOne of the finished upstairs rooms by Peggy and Bob RyanOne of the finished upstairs rooms by Peggy and Bob RyanOne of the finished upstairs rooms by Peggy and Bob RyanBefore the bedroom was repaired and decoratedThe walls look better when repairedA lot of work goes into restoring even one room in Curran HouseMore repairs to the upstairs roomsMany holes still need patchingThis was a large hole to patch!A nice exterior viewThe ceilings are the original pressed metal panelsRepairing the metal ceiling tiles is difficultCurran House in the fallThe addition of a ramp is really useful